The library Fmlib_browser
helps to write web applications which run in the browser in a pure functional style. It mimics the elm language in ocaml.
The core of a functional web application is a system state and 2 main functions to describe the behaviour of a web application.
value ()
. For an application representing a counter which can be increased or decreased by clicking on buttons the state is an int
which represents the value of the counter.If we just want to display a static page with a grocery list the functions are quite simple.
type message (* no constructor, i.e. no message can be created. *)
let view (): unit Html.t =
let open Html in
let open Attribute in
ol [attribute "start" "51"] [
li [] [text "Milk"];
li [] [text "Honey"];
li [] [text "Meet"]
let update () (_: message): unit =
assert false (* Function can never be called because [message] has no
constructor *)
The only interesting part of the example is the view function. The function uses the modules Html and Attribute to construct the virtual dom. The virtual dom is a tree describing the displayed page. The corresponding html markup looks like
<ol start="51"> <li> Milk </li> <li> Honey </li> <li> Meet </li> </ol>
and the rendered page would look like
51. Milk 52. Honey 53. Meet
The module Html has two basic functions and a lot of abbreviations to construct a virtual dom. The two basic functions are
text: string -> 'a Html.t
to construct a text node (i.e. a leaf in the virtual dom tree) and
node: string -> 'a Attribute.t list -> 'a Html.t list -> 'a Html.t
where node tag attrs children
constructs an element node with a tagname (div, h1, ...) a list of attributes and a list of children.
The function call li [] [text "Milk"]
is just an abbreviation for
node "li" [] [text "Milk"]
A simple webpage with user interaction is a page which looks like
- 10 +
where -
and +
are buttons which can be clicked on. A mouse click on -
decrements the counter and a mouse click on +
increments the counter.
The following code generates such an application:
type msg =
| Decrement
| Increment
let view (counter: int): msg Html.t =
div []
button [on_click Decrement] [text "-"]
; text (string_of_int counter)
; button [on_click Increment] [text "+"]
let update (counter: int): msg -> int = function
| Decrement ->
counter - 1
| Increment ->
counter + 1
The corresponding html markup looks like
<div> <button> - </button> 5 <button> + </button> </div>
However the button elements get event listeners which, when pressed, either increment or decrement the state. The counter value changes on each click on one of the buttons dynamically.
For practical web applications there are more interactions needed than just reactions to mouse clicks. A web application based on Fmlib_browser
is able to
In order to make this possible the library Fmlib_browser
offers commands and subscriptions.
Commands can be generated via the update function. A full blown update function has the signature
update: state -> msg -> state * msg Command.t
i.e. based on the current state and the current message the update function computes a new state and a command (which can be a set of commands as well). A value of type msg Command.t
represents a command which terminates with a message which will be dispatched to the update function after command completion.
In order to generate notifications to the application the user writes a function with the signature
subscription: state -> msg Subscription.t
I.e. depending on the state of the application several (or no) subscription can be activated.
After each state change (i.e. execution of the update function) the library uses the new state and computes via the user supplied subscription
the possibly new, changed or removed subscriptions and installs and/or removes the corresponding event listeners.
All code provided by the user is and has to be purely functional. All user data like the state are immutable. The functions view
, subscription
and update
must not have side effects (at least no visible side effects). The library Fmlib_browser
handles all effectful commands and mutability needed in the resulting javascript code.
The library functions hold the current user state and the current virtual dom. The library installs an event listener on the requestAnimationFrame
event of the browser.
If the state has changed since the last animation frame then the library uses the view function to generate the corresponding virtual dom. It does a dom diffing between the new virtual dom and the stored current dom and executes the minimal actions to make the real dom to look like requested in the new virtual dom.
Since modifications of the real dom might be expensive the library tries to minimize accesses to the real dom.
The library installs the necessary event listeners on the corresponding dom elements and on all event targets which are needed to get the required notifications.
Each fired event of interest generates an object of the message type and is fed together with the state to the user supplied update function to generate an new state and an optional command.
After receiving a new state and a command from the user supplied update function the library uses the user supplied subscription function to update event listeners (if necessary) and executes the command which might produce new messages.
The new messages are dispatched to the update function on the next tick of the javascript event loop to avoid long blockings of the event loop.